The FLIR VP42 is a high-quality non-contact AC voltage detector (NCV) and flashlight that offers high-end features, making it the best value product in its category. The reliable, durable detector includes a bright flashlight, a vibration feedback alarm, and a CAT IV safety rating. Use it to identify live and neutral wires in sockets and junction boxes, and to trace live and neutral wires without contact.
FLIR VP52-2 permite detectarea fara contact a prezentei teniunii de 24 Vca pana la 1000 Vca (45-65Hz), fiind semnalizata vizual (LED), prin vibratie si prin alarma sonora. In plus, instrumentul este dotat si cu functia de lanterna (LED) pentru iluminarea zonelor intunecate. FLIR VP52-2 indeplineste cerintele CAT IV 1000V.
Omega HSTC-KI-24S-5m este sonda cablu, etansa ermetic, de tip K. Sonda HSTC este ideala in aplicatii in care este necesara masurarea temperaturii pana la 250°C in medii corozive (uleiuri si alte substante chimice), care pot ataca senzorul.
Sonda de imersie (termocuplu tip K) este destinata masurarii temperaturii pana la 1150°C (in medii necorozive). Manerul sondei poate rezista pana la temperatura de 220°C. Cablul spiralat are o lungime desfasurata de 1,5m si este prevazut cu un conector miniatura de tip K.
Cleste ampermetric cu caracteristici avansate: masurare True RMS pentru curent si tensiune, masurare cu impedanta redusa (LoZ) si intrare pentru sonda de curent flexibila. Diametru maxim cablu: 35mm.
FLIR ONE Pro LT has the power to find hidden problems faster than ever. With the enhanced resolution of FLIR VividIR™, added perspective of FLIR MSX®, and the convenience of the OneFit™ adjustable connector, FLIR ONE Pro LT works as hard as you do. Whether you're a professional or just focused on DIY projects, the FLIR ONE Pro LT has the powerful features you need at an affordable price.