DITEL LITIA DN0/DN1 este indicator de panou (numarator totalizator) LCD cu 8 digiti cu dimensiunile frontale 24x48mm si intrare de tip contact flotant sau pulsuri de tensiune intre 5 si 240Vcc/ca. Alimentarea instrumentului se face de la bateria interna (self power).
The BHR-17MM-1M is a 17mm diameter video camera mounted at the end of a 1m long flexible cable. The optical head is equipped with 2 super bright LEDs to illuminate dark areas. Possible uses: inspection of engines, HVAC, pipes and tubes (including those filled with water, camera with IP67 degree of protection), etc.
The BHR-9MM-1M is a 9mm diameter video camera mounted at the end of a 1m long flexible cable. The optical head is equipped with 2 super bright LEDs to illuminate dark areas. Possible uses: inspection of engines, HVAC, pipes and tubes (including those filled with water, camera with IP67 degree of protection), etc.
The BHR-9MM-2M is a 9mm diameter video camera mounted at the end of a 2m long flexible cable. The optical head is equipped with 2 super bright LEDs to illuminate dark areas. Possible uses: inspection of engines, HVAC, pipes and tubes (including those filled with water, camera with IP67 degree of protection), etc.
The BHR-4MM-1M is a 4mm diameter video camera mounted at the end of a 1m long flexible cable. The optical head is equipped with 2 super bright LEDs to illuminate dark areas. Possible uses: inspection of engines, HVAC, pipes and tubes (including those filled with water, camera with IP67 degree of protection), etc.
DITEL Syros SY48 este un regulator PID cu intrare 1-5V/4-20mA, retransmitere semnal 4-20mA si iesire de control pe releu. Afisarea cu LED pe 2 randuri, dimensiuni frontale 48x48mm si grad de protectie IP66. Alimentarea instrumentului se face de la retea 85 .. 265Vca.
DITEL Syros SY48 este un regulator PID cu intrare 1-5V/4-20mA si setare limita de la distanta (remote setpoint) in semnal 4-20mA cu iesire de control pe releu. Afisarea cu LED pe 2 randuri, dimensiuni frontale 48x48mm si grad de protectie IP65. Alimentarea instrumentului se face de la retea 85 .. 265Vca.
Borescope with color video camera (9mm diameter), semi-rigid probe (cable) with a length of 1m, extendable, 3.5 "TFT color screen with wireless connection and 4 white LEDs for lighting dark areas. The BHR-105 video endoscope is ideal for video investigations in hard to reach areas.
DITEL DELTA H-042 este un indicator de panou (time meter - contor de timp) LCD cu 6 digiti cu dimensiunile frontale 48x48mm si 2 limite de alarma presetabile. Alimentarea instrumentului se face de la retea 115/230Vca.
BHR49 este un sistem de inspectie a cavitatilor prevazut cu o tija din otel inoxidabil cu diametrul de 9mm si lungimea de 30cm, ce are montata in capat o camera video cu vedere laterala. Imaginile sunt transmise wireless in timp real catre un ecran color cu diagonala de 3,5", avand si posibilitatea de inregistrare film pe un card microSD. Capul optic al video endoscopului este prevazut cu 2 LED-uri superluminoase si are gradul de protectie IP67.
This 5" HD full color 2-way 5.8mm articulating video borescope allows you to view and inspect hard to reach area. It has 5.8mm lens diameter with 4 adjustable LED lights for dark area inspection.
This is a Drain/Pipe Inspection Camera that comes with a mini 14mm camera head, a 7inch LCD monitor with DVR, a 20m cable reel that is rotatable itself in the case, a heavy duty case with all parts included, etc. It can be easily pushed into a 40mm pipe and pass through 4*90 degree bends.
It’s widely used in Pipeline, Drain, Sewer, Duct, Chimney, Machinery and Building Inspection.