DITEL LITIA DN0/DN1 este indicator de panou (numarator totalizator) LCD cu 8 digiti cu dimensiunile frontale 24x48mm si intrare de tip contact flotant sau pulsuri de tensiune intre 5 si 240Vcc/ca. Alimentarea instrumentului se face de la bateria interna (self power).
The infrared pyrometer Optris CS LT is perfectly suited for temperature measurement in small and narrow environments. The robust measuring heads have been developed for use in temperature ranges from -50°C to 1,030°C and can be employed in ambient temperatures of up to 80°C without additional cooling.
The infrared pyrometer Optris CS LT Kit is perfectly suited for temperature measurement in small and narrow environments. The robust measuring heads have been developed for use in temperature ranges from -50°C to 1,030°C and can be employed in ambient temperatures of up to 80°C without additional cooling. Optris CS LT Kit includes the IR App Connector set.
DITEL Syros SY48 este un regulator PID cu intrare 1-5V/4-20mA, retransmitere semnal 4-20mA si iesire de control pe releu. Afisarea cu LED pe 2 randuri, dimensiuni frontale 48x48mm si grad de protectie IP66. Alimentarea instrumentului se face de la retea 85 .. 265Vca.
DITEL Syros SY48 este un regulator PID cu intrare 1-5V/4-20mA si setare limita de la distanta (remote setpoint) in semnal 4-20mA cu iesire de control pe releu. Afisarea cu LED pe 2 randuri, dimensiuni frontale 48x48mm si grad de protectie IP65. Alimentarea instrumentului se face de la retea 85 .. 265Vca.
HIKMICRO Eco is a low cost thermography camera for commercial electrical maintenance commercial electrical, HVAC, building or industrial fields. The thermal image with a resolution of 96 x 96 is displayed on a color display with a diagonal of 2.4". The images are saved in the 4GB internal memory and can be transferred either via USB Type-C interface.
DITEL DELTA H-042 este un indicator de panou (time meter - contor de timp) LCD cu 6 digiti cu dimensiunile frontale 48x48mm si 2 limite de alarma presetabile. Alimentarea instrumentului se face de la retea 115/230Vca.
HIKMICRO Eco-V is a low cost thermography camera for commercial electrical maintenance commercial electrical, HVAC, building or industrial fields. The thermal image with a resolution of 96 x 96 is displayed on a color display with a diagonal of 2.4". The images are saved in the 4GB internal memory and can be transferred either via USB Type-C interface.
OPTRIS CT LT02 is one of the smallest infrared sensors worldwide for precise non-contact temperature measurement from -50°C to 600°C, usable up to 130°C ambient temperature without cooling.
OPTRIS CT LT20 is one of the smallest infrared sensors worldwide for precise non-contact temperature measurement from -50°C to +975°C, usable up to 180°C ambient temperature without cooling.
HIKMICRO E1L is a low cost thermography camera for commercial electrical maintenance commercial electrical, HVAC, building or industrial fields. The thermal image with a resolution of 160 x 120 is displayed on a color display with a diagonal of 2.4". The images are saved on the SD card and can be transferred either via USB interface.
OPTRIS CTlaser LT allows precise non-contact temperature measurement from -50°C to +975°C and offers a robust and premium-quality stainless steel measuring head usable up to 85°C ambient temperature without cooling, with an innovative double laser sighting for an exact measuring field marking in every distance.