FLIR One Pro, Thermal Camera for Smartphones
Test and Measurement
There are 16 products.
Laserliner 083.008A, Non-contact voltage tester with adjustable sensitivity
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Laserliner 083.008A (AC-Check) is a non-contact voltage tester with adjustable sensitivity and integrated torch for illuminating the test area.
Extech MD10, Non-contact Magnet Detector with Built-In Flashlight
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EXTECH MD10 is a non-contact magnet detector with built-in flashlight.
CEM DT86, Digital Lux Meter, 40000Lux
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CEM DT86 is a digital pocket instrument designed to measure light intensity in the range 0 .. 40000 Lux.
Laserliner 080.972A StarFinder Plus, Electronic detector of live cables, wall and crossbeams
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Laserliner 080.972A is an electronic detector for live supply lines as well as wall beams and joists in drywall structures
Lutron LX02, Adaptor luxmetru pentru multimetre
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Lutron LX-02 permite extinderea functiilor de masura ale unui multimetru digital cu cea de tip luxmetru, fiind astfel posibila masurarea intensitatii luminoase avand la dispozitie multimetrul din dotare si adaptorul LX02. Puteti astfel sa micsorati semnificativ cheltuielile prin achizitia adaptorului in locul unui luxmetrului dedicat, care este mult mai scump.
Extech LT40, White LED Light Meter 400000Lux
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The LT40 LED light meter is useful for measuring and optimizing environmental light levels in a wide range of environments, including office buildings, manufacturing plants and warehouses, university campuses, schools, hospitals, and many other locations. Use of LED lighting is on the rise because it is more efficient to operate, it emits stable, high quality illumination, and the technology is dropping in price. Besides LED lighting, the LT40 can measure standard light sources fluorescent, metal halide, high pressure sodium and incandescent up to 400,000 lux (40,000 Fc).
Extech LT505, Pocket Light Meter 400000Lux
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EXTECH LT505 pocket-size autoranging Light Meter with wide light intensity ranges measuring up to 40,000Fc (400,000Lux) with high resolution to 0.01Fc (0.1Lux).
Lutron LX1102, Light meter, 400000Lux
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Lutron LX1102 is a portable digital instrument designed to measure light intensity in the range 0 .. 400000 Lux. The instrument can store the measured values in the software as long as it is connected to the computer.
Lutron LM8000A, 4 in 1 Environment Meter, Anemometer, Humidity/Temp., Light meter, Type K Temp.
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Lutron LM9000 - 7 measuring functions in one instrument: Anemometer, Air flow, Humidity/Temp., Dew point, Light, Barometer, type K Temp.
Lutron EMF828, Tester digital 3D EMF
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Lutron EMF828 este un tester 3D (x-Y-Z) EMF conceput special pentru a determina intensitatea radiațiilor electromagnetice generate de curentul electric la trecerea prin liniile electrice, echipamente electrice si electronice (monitor, televizor, calculator, cuptor electric etc.) și multe alte dispozitive similare.
Lutron LM8010, 5 in 1 Environment Meter, Anemometer, Air flow, Humidity/Temp, Light meter, Type K Temp.
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Lutron LM8010 - 7 measuring functions in one instrument: Anemometer, Air flow, Humidity/Temp, Light meter, Type K Temp.
Lutron YK35UV, UV Light meter (UVA, UVB)
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Lutron YK35UV is a portable digital instrument designed for UVA, UVB measurement, spectrum 260 .. 390 nm