CEM DT83 is a digital pocket instrument designed to measure the temperature and humidity of the environment in schools, warehouses, farms, laboratories, greenhouses.
Extech's RH35 monitors Humidity, Temperature, and Dew Point for the previous 24 hours and alerts users to indoor mold hazard conditions starting with a frown icon warning when humidity reaches 60%RH. When the RH exceeds 65%, a loud audible alarm and bright flashing red LED will be triggered. The frown icon will also appear if the environment is too dry (<40%RH) where static electricity becomes a concern.
Lutron HA702 permite extinderea functiilor de masura ale unui multimetru digital cu cea de tip higrometru, fiind astfel posibila masurarea umiditatii relative a aerului avand la dispozitie multimetrul din dotare si adaptorul HA702. Puteti astfel sa micsorati semnificativ cheltuielile prin achizitia adaptorului in locul unui higrometru dedicat, care este mai scump.
The Extech 44550 is a pen style humidity and temperature meter. It features a dual LCD for simultaneous display of relative humidity and temperature (°C/°F switchable). It is pocket sized for quick and reliable measurements at any location. The max/min memory functions for display of highest and lowest readings for both measurements. Complete with pocket clip and one LR44 button battery.
Laserliner 082.430A AirMonitor FRESH - VOC measuring device for detecting and evaluating the concentration of volatile organic compounds with ventilation recommendation, eCO₂ concentration, humidity, temperature and time displays.
CEM DT-191A datalogger can monitor temperature and humidity values efficiently and conveniently for long time. The readings are saved in the logger and simply read out by your PC with USB interface.
EXTECH RHT10 humidity and temperature USB datalogger with user programmable sample rates from 2 seconds up to 24 hours. Records up to 16000 readings for each parameter.