FLIR One Pro, Thermal Camera for Smartphones
Test and Measurement
There are 14 products.
CEM DT85A, Digital Sound Level Mete
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This Sound Level Meter has been designed to meet the measurement requirements of safety Engineers, Health, Industrial safety offices and sound quality control in various environments.
Lutron SL406, Adaptor sonometru pentru multimetre
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Lutron SL406 permite extinderea functiilor de masura ale unui multimetru digital cu cea de tip sonometru, fiind astfel posibila masurarea nivelului sunetului avand la dispozitie multimetrul din dotare si adaptorul SL406. Puteti astfel sa micsorati semnificativ cheltuielile prin achizitia adaptorului in locul unui sonometru dedicat, care este mult mai scump.
Lutron PH222, PH-metru digital portabil
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Lutron PH222 is a portable digital instrument for measuring temperature and pH, for general use.
CEM DT-8852, Digital Sound Level Meter
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CEM DT-8852 is a professional digital sound level meter equipped with internal memory for 32700 values and alarm function when exceeding a predetermined limit, designed to measure the noise level in the range of 30dB .. 130dB for the frequency range 31.5Hz ... 8KHz. The data can be analyzed using an included software program.
Extech SL510, Sound level Meter, ±1dB Type 2
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Extech SL510 si a class 2 compact digital sound level meter, with ±1dB high accuracy that allows for quick and reliable sound level testing from 35 to 130dB.
Lutron CD4322, Conductivity meter
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Lutron CD-4322 este un instrument digital portabil care poate masura conductivitatea electrica in lichide, pana la 100 mS si TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) pana la 66000 ppm. CD4322 poate memora pana la 1600 de valori.
Lutron LM8102, Multi-Function Monitor, 5 in 1
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Lutron LM-8102 is a 5 in 1 METER - Anemometer, Humidity meter, Light Meter, Thermometer, Sound level meter.
Lutron YK2005CD, Conductivity Meter
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Lutron YK2005CD is a portable digital instrument that can measure electrical conductivity in liquids in the range 0 .. 200 mS and TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) in the range 0 .. 132000 ppm. The YK2005CD can store up to 16,000 values.
Lutron SL-4036SD, Integrated sound level meter class 1
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Lutron SL4036SD is a digital sound level meter that can record the measured values of the noise level in the range of 30 .. 130 db. Lutron SL4036SD is a compact digital sound level meter that meets the requirements of IEC 61672 class 1, IEC 60804 type 1, ANSI S 1.43 type 1.
AEC AED-2010, kit detectie emisii ultrasonice
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AEC AED-2010 este un instrument destinat detectiei emisiilor ultrasonice generate de scurgerile de gaze si/sau pentru verificarea etanseitatii incintelor, identificarea pozitiilor in care exista scurgeri de apa, verificarea etanseitatii inchiderii usilor si ferestrelor etc. Kitul include tot ceea ce este necesar pentru o inspectie si/sau monitorizare in domeniul de frecvente 1KHz - 2MHz.
FLIR Si124-LD Plus, Industrial Acoustic Imaging Camera for Compressed Air Leak Detection
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FLIR Si124-LD is an ultrasonic imaging camera who can help you to locate pressurized leaks in compressed air systems up to 10 times faster than traditional methods. Built with 124 microphones, this lightweight, one-handed solution produces a precise acoustic image that visually displays ultrasonic information, even in loud industrial environments.
FLIR Si2-LD, Industrial Acoustic Imaging Camera for Pressurized Leak Detection and Mechanical Fault Detection
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The FLIR Si2-LD acoustic imaging camera enables you to detect and reduce leaks in facilities, thereby cutting costs associated with compressed air and specialty gas leaks. Beyond these capabilities, it also identifies mechanical faults, such as bearing issues, facilitating preventative maintenance to avoid downtime.
This lightweight, one-handed solution produces a precise acoustic image that visually displays ultrasonic information, even in loud industrial environments.
This lightweight, one-handed solution produces a precise acoustic image that visually displays ultrasonic information, even in loud industrial environments.