FLIR One Pro, Thermal Camera for Smartphones
Test and Measurement
There are 4 products.
Sanwa KD1, Detector prezenta tensiune
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SANWA KD1 permite detectarea fara contact a prezentei tensiunii de 80 Vca pana la 600 Vca ( 50/60 Hz), atat pentru conductoare ecranate cat si neecranate. Prezenta tensiunii este semnalizata atat vizual cat si sonor.
Sanwa CD770, Multimetru portabil digital
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Multimetru digital 4000 count, masurare tensiune 600Vcc/ca, curent 400 mAcc/ca, rezistenta, capacitate, frecventa, continuitate / test dioda.
KANE 358INT, Domestic Boiler Analyser
Not available
KANE358INT is an ergonomically designed flue gas analyzer with direct measurement of carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2),with protection of the sensors. Based on measured CO and CO2 values it calculates O2, so you don't have to use an electrochemical oxygen measuring cell, which wears very quickly in standard flue gas analyzers. It also measures NO (required by Romanian regulations), temperature and pressure.
KANE 958, Commercial Boiler Analyser with KANE LINK
On order
KANE958 is a commercial boiler gas analyser with CO sensor over-range protection, CP2T combustion probe & USB1 charger, 2 psi pressure sensor & pressure hose. Tests boilers up to 5 MW; Latest upgradeable sensor technology; Easy to use rotary dial; Purge pump protection. KANE LINK and KANE-IRP3 printer are included.