FLIR One Pro, Thermal Camera for Smartphones
Test and Measurement
There are 19 products.
Ditel LITIA-DN, numarator LCD 8 digiti, 48x24mm
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DITEL LITIA DN0/DN1 este indicator de panou (numarator totalizator) LCD cu 8 digiti cu dimensiunile frontale 24x48mm si intrare de tip contact flotant sau pulsuri de tensiune intre 5 si 240Vcc/ca. Alimentarea instrumentului se face de la bateria interna (self power).
Indicator panou 96x48mm, intrare ±19.99Vcc
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Watanabe (Asahi Keiki) AP-101-13-2 este un indicator de panou 3 1/2 digiti cu dimensiunile frontale 48x96mm si intrare tensiune ±19.99Vcc. Alimentarea instrumentului se poate face intre 180 si 264Vca.
Laserliner 075.002A RollPilot Mini, Roller distance measuring device
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Laserliner 075.002A RollPilot Mini, Roller distance measuring device
Extech HW30, HeatWatch Humidity/Temperature Stopwatch
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Extech HW30, multi-function stopwatch. Displays a digital up/down timer, temperature, humidity and heat index. Additional features include a 12/24-hour clock, stopwatch, 30 lap/split memory and programmable alarm.
Lutron TR-RH2W, Humidity transmitter 2 wires, 4-20 mA output
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Lutron TR-TH2W is a 2-wires humidity transmitter (10-95% RH), 4-20mA output signal.
Indicator panou 48x24mm, intrare 4-20mA
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Watanabe (Asahi Keiki) AL-213 este un indicator de panou 3 1/2 digiti cu dimensiunile frontale 24x48mm si intrare curent 4-20mA. Alimentarea instrumentului se face direct din bucla de semnal (self power).
Watanabe TZ-5E-72, convertor tensiune 4-20mA
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Watanabe (Asahi Keiki) TZ-5E-72 este transmiter ce se poate monta pe sina, cu izolare intre intrare si iesire, care converteste tensiune curent alternativ in semnal 4-20mA. Convertorul asigura o protectie intre intrare si iesire pana la 2000Vca/1min.
CEM LDM100H, Professional Laser Distance Meter
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The LDM100H laser distance meter allows accurate measurement of distances up to 100m. Shortcut keys for addition, subtraction, Pythagoras, area and volume calculation make measuring fast and very reliable.
Watanabe TH-41-2, transmiter izolat 4-20mA, 2 canale
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Convertorul Watanabe (Asahi Keiki) TH-41-2 asigura transmiterea semnalului de proces 4-20mA (IN/OUT) pe doua canale cu alimentare direct din bucla, nefiind necesara o sursa separata. Transmiterul asigura o protectie intre intrare si iesire pana la 2000Vca/1min.
Laserliner 080.850A LaserRange-Master T4 Pro, Laser rangefinder 40m
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Laserliner 080.850A LaserRange-Master T4 Pro is a laser range finder with digital connection interface and angle function for accurate measurement of distances up to 40m. Shortcut keys for area and volume calculation make measuring fast and very reliable.
Laserliner 080.843A LaserRange-Master Gi4, Green laser rangefinder 40m
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Laserliner 080.843A LaserRange-Master Gi4 is a laser distance meter with green laser technology who allows accurate measurement of distances up to 40m. Shortcut keys for area and volume calculation make measuring fast and very reliable.
Laserliner 075.009A RollPilot X12, Roller distance measuring device
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Laserliner 075.009A RollPilot X12 is a measuring wheel for use on straight lines and curves. It provides high accurate measurements up to 9999,9m distance.