FLIR One Pro, Thermal Camera for Smartphones
Test and Measurement
There are 7 products.
Sanwa KD1, Detector prezenta tensiune
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SANWA KD1 permite detectarea fara contact a prezentei tensiunii de 80 Vca pana la 600 Vca ( 50/60 Hz), atat pentru conductoare ecranate cat si neecranate. Prezenta tensiunii este semnalizata atat vizual cat si sonor.
Sanwa CD770, Multimetru portabil digital
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Multimetru digital 4000 count, masurare tensiune 600Vcc/ca, curent 400 mAcc/ca, rezistenta, capacitate, frecventa, continuitate / test dioda.
HIKMICRO Eco, Handheld Thermography Camera with SuperIR 240x240 pixelis (-20..550°C)
In stoc
HIKMICRO Eco is a low cost thermography camera for commercial electrical maintenance commercial electrical, HVAC, building or industrial fields. The thermal image with a resolution of 96 x 96 is displayed on a color display with a diagonal of 2.4". The images are saved in the 4GB internal memory and can be transferred either via USB Type-C interface.
HIKMICRO Eco-V, Handheld Thermography Camera with SuperIR 240x240 pixels (-20..550°C)
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HIKMICRO Eco-V is a low cost thermography camera for commercial electrical maintenance commercial electrical, HVAC, building or industrial fields. The thermal image with a resolution of 96 x 96 is displayed on a color display with a diagonal of 2.4". The images are saved in the 4GB internal memory and can be transferred either via USB Type-C interface.
HIKMICRO E1L, Handheld Thermography Camera (-20..+550°C)
HIKMICRO E1L is a low cost thermography camera for commercial electrical maintenance commercial electrical, HVAC, building or industrial fields. The thermal image with a resolution of 160 x 120 is displayed on a color display with a diagonal of 2.4". The images are saved on the SD card and can be transferred either via USB interface.
HIKMICRO E1L is a low cost thermography camera for commercial electrical maintenance commercial electrical, HVAC, building or industrial fields. The thermal image with a resolution of 160 x 120 is displayed on a color display with a diagonal of 2.4". The images are saved on the SD card and can be transferred either via USB interface.
Hikmicro AD21, Indoor Water Leak Detection Instrument
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HIKMICRO Acoustic Leak Detector AD21 supports quick inspection mode and route inspection mode, which is suitable for different users' habits. HIKMICRO AD21 can quickly locate the scope of the leakage point, improve the detection efficiency, and reduce the loss caused by leakage.
AEC AED-2010, kit detectie emisii ultrasonice
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AEC AED-2010 este un instrument destinat detectiei emisiilor ultrasonice generate de scurgerile de gaze si/sau pentru verificarea etanseitatii incintelor, identificarea pozitiilor in care exista scurgeri de apa, verificarea etanseitatii inchiderii usilor si ferestrelor etc. Kitul include tot ceea ce este necesar pentru o inspectie si/sau monitorizare in domeniul de frecvente 1KHz - 2MHz.