Laserliner 083.010A ActiveFinder is a non-contact voltage tester provides a high level of industrial safety by detecting existing alternating voltages in cables, sockets, lampholders and fuses. Visual and acoustic signals indicate whether a voltage is present.
Laserliner 083.011A - ActiveFinder Plus is a non-contact voltage tester provides a high level of industrial safety by effective detection of live, safety-relevant cables and line breaks. Visual and acoustic signals indicate whether a voltage is present.
Laserliner 083.014A ActiveFinder Pro is a professional non-contact voltage testing of electrical wiring and systems, in handy pen format, who provides a high level of industrial safety by detecting existing alternating voltages in cables, sockets, lampholders and fuses. Visual and acoustic signals indicate whether a voltage is present.
Watanabe (Asahi Keiki) AP-101-13-2 este un indicator de panou 3 1/2 digiti cu dimensiunile frontale 48x96mm si intrare tensiune ±19.99Vcc. Alimentarea instrumentului se poate face intre 180 si 264Vca.
Watanabe (Asahi Keiki) AL-213 este un indicator de panou 3 1/2 digiti cu dimensiunile frontale 24x48mm si intrare curent 4-20mA. Alimentarea instrumentului se face direct din bucla de semnal (self power).
Watanabe (Asahi Keiki) AS-101-2A-4 este un indicator de panou 3 1/2 digiti cu dimensiunile frontale 48x96mm si intrare curent 4-20mA. Alimentarea instrumentului se poate 24Vcc (izolata).
Laserliner 083.025A, ActiveMaster Digital is a digital voltage and continuity tester with bar graph and numerical measured value display, single-phase and rotary field test with phase sequence display and automatic continuity tester with acoustic signal.
Convertorul Watanabe (Asahi Keiki) TH-41-2 asigura transmiterea semnalului de proces 4-20mA (IN/OUT) pe doua canale cu alimentare direct din bucla, nefiind necesara o sursa separata. Transmiterul asigura o protectie intre intrare si iesire pana la 2000Vca/1min.
Thermal imaging camera with IR resolution 160x120 pixels, 8h continuous operating time, Wi-Fi connectivity to quickly share your images, 3.2’’ LCD display and object temperature range -20 .. +550°C. Macro lens available!
Thermal imaging camera with IR resolution 192x144 pixels, 6h continuous operating time, Wi-Fi connectivity to quickly share your images, 3.2’’ LCD display and object temperature range -20 .. +550°C. Macro lens available!
Laserliner 075.400A (CenterScanner Compact) is cable tracer set with transmitter and receiver, for safely determining the entry and exit points when drilling walls and ceilings up to a depth of 120 cm.