FLIR One Pro, Thermal Camera for Smartphones
Test and Measurement
There are 28 products.
Laserliner 082.428A ClimaHome-Check, Digital hygrometer for indoor
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Laserliner 082.428A ClimaHome-Check Black is a digital hygrometer who provides information on the ambient temperature and relative humidity.
Laserliner 082.030A ThermoTester, Digital thermometer (-40 .. 250°C)
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Laserliner 082.030A ThermoTester is a digital thermometer for household, gastronomy, trade, craft and industrial applications
Laserliner 082.034A ClimaPilot, Digital hygrometer with dew point
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Laserliner 082.034A ClimaPilot is a digital hygrometer for measurement of relative humidity and ambient temperature with dew point indicator.
Laserliner 082.003A Dampcheck, Compact moisture measuring device
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Laserliner 082.003A Dampcheck (MoistureFinder Compact) provides measurement of the moisture in wood and soft construction materials.
Sanwa KD1, Detector prezenta tensiune
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SANWA KD1 permite detectarea fara contact a prezentei tensiunii de 80 Vca pana la 600 Vca ( 50/60 Hz), atat pentru conductoare ecranate cat si neecranate. Prezenta tensiunii este semnalizata atat vizual cat si sonor.
Laserliner 082.440A ThermoSpot Pocket, Laser sighting pyrometer 12:1 (-40 .. 400°C)
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Laserliner 082.440A ThermoSpot Pocket is a laser sighting infrared thermometer with D:S 12:1 who provides fast and accurate temperature measurements from -40°C up to 400°C.
Indicator panou 96x48mm, intrare ±19.99Vcc
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Watanabe (Asahi Keiki) AP-101-13-2 este un indicator de panou 3 1/2 digiti cu dimensiunile frontale 48x96mm si intrare tensiune ±19.99Vcc. Alimentarea instrumentului se poate face intre 180 si 264Vca.
Laserliner 082.040A ThermoSpot Laser, Laser sighting pyrometer, 12:1, (-38 .. 365°C)
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Laserliner 082.040A ThermoSpot Laser is a 8-point circular laser sighting infrared thermometer with D:S 12:1 who provides fast and accurate temperature measurements from -38°C up to 365°C.
Laserliner 075.002A RollPilot Mini, Roller distance measuring device
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Laserliner 075.002A RollPilot Mini, Roller distance measuring device
Laserliner 080.982A DistanceMaster 50, Versatile 50m laser rangefinder with Pythagoras angle function, IP65
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Laserliner 080.982A DistanceMaster 50 is a versatile rangefinder, with a measuring range of 50 metres allows lengths, areas and volumes to be measured, added and subtracted accurately. Heights can also be determined indirectly using the Pythagoras angle function.
Laserliner 082.430A AirMonitor FRESH, VOC and CO₂ meter
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Laserliner 082.430A AirMonitor FRESH - VOC measuring device for detecting and evaluating the concentration of volatile organic compounds with ventilation recommendation, eCO₂ concentration, humidity, temperature and time displays.
Indicator panou 48x24mm, intrare 4-20mA
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Watanabe (Asahi Keiki) AL-213 este un indicator de panou 3 1/2 digiti cu dimensiunile frontale 24x48mm si intrare curent 4-20mA. Alimentarea instrumentului se face direct din bucla de semnal (self power).