Meterland I Pressure Meters | Manometers

Pressure Meters

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Lutron BHM-382SD, Temperature, Humidity, Barometer Monitor
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Lutron BHM-382SD is a SD-card real time data logger with internal sensors for humidity, temperature and atmospheric pressure (barometer). All values are shown on the large display. The logger is perfect for many different applications like office environment or temperature controlled transportation or clean rooms. 
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Lutron SP9201, Environment meter, 11 in 1
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Lutron SP9201 - 11 measuring functions in one instrument: luxmeter, hygrometer, thermometer, anemometer, Airflow, barometer, dew point, wet bulb, heat index, wind chill, altitude.
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Extech HD350, Pitot Tube Anemometer and Differential Manometer
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EXTECH HD350 measures air velocity/airflow in difficult-to-reach or tight locations. It measures differential pressure in 5 selectable units of measure and includes a Pitot tube and 2 connection hoses for measuring Air Velocity/Air Flow. 
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